By Nick Jankel

Professional Global Keynote Speaker, Transformation & Innovation Catalyst, Leadership Theorist & Practitioner, 6 x Dyslexic Author, 3 x TV Coach, Co-Creator of Bio-Transformation®

This article is part 5 of 11 in the series Regenerative Leadership & Regenerative Business

Many of the ingredients we need for a Regenerative Renaissance—made up of regenerative businesses and brands and led by regenerative leaders—already exist. 

Regenerative brands and business models (will) bake together frameworks, technologies, and tools like:

  • Recalibration of economic and financial accounting to encourage and measure human well-being, happiness, learning, meaning, and joy, as well as productivity/profit/GDP
  • Optimizing and consciously trading off at least 6, probably 8 or 9, different forms of capital, including social, relational, intellectual, natural, and material capitals
  • A recalibration of globalization, with the focus shifting to the mobility of ideas and relationships (consciousness) as opposed to simply (cheaper) labor and liquid capital (matter)
  • Slow, patient, and humble capital that is less interested in material scale, exponential returns, and rapid exits (i.e., ‘unicorns’); and far more interested in sustained and sustainable positive impact (e.g., ‘zebras’)
  • Authentic business purpose at the core of all organizations (that is realized with concrete changes in business practices and investment in employee and user well-being)

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There are so many inspiring and hopeful ways to create exponential impact in this digital, disrupted, and the damaged world that brings more health and wholeness to ourselves and our systems. With these technologies and tools, we can build regenerative business models.

It will be messy, challenging, and really, really hard. But there is a Triple Win (win-win-win) to be had in every future-proofing transformation: a win for our careers, a win for our organizations, and a win for our crisis-hit world.

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