Change Mindsets, Change Management & Change Leadership Course

A live and interactive online course for leaders, people managers, and team members—designed to be low cost and yet high impact—to unlock mission-critical capabilities in unlocking change/ transformation mindsets, managing and leading others to change, and crafting powerful change stories that inspire and influence.


The Key Benefits Of The Change Mindset & Change Management Course

  • Unlock mindsets in self and others that support rather than resist mission-critical change, innovation, and business transformation
  • Understand why even the smartest people get locked into change-resistant mindsets
  • Learn how to use deep empathy and insight to lead others to change
  • Preempt and overcome emotional, cognitive, and behavioral blockers of change
  • Accelerate and amplify emotional, cognitive, and behavioral unlockers of change
  • Learn evidence-based practices that build emotional stability and behavioral agility to facilitate change
  • Develop powerful yet short change stories that inspire and influence others to change


Benefits of This Course For Buyers—HR Business Partners, L&D Managers, Line Managers

  • Designed to maximize the unique capabilities of live online training
  • Optimized for hybrid and dispersed teams, international operations, and cost/travel constraints
  • Quick and painless set-up for rapid implementation
  • Low time burden for both HR managers and participants
  • Highly interactive live sessions to maximize engagement and self-improvement
  • Peer-to-peer and small group circles to unlock much-desired interpersonal connection and togetherness
  • Easy-to-follow sessions with a balanced mix of accessible science, essential ideas, sticky concepts, practical tips
  • Seasoned facilitators who can "hold space" for concrete individual and collective mindset and behavior change
  • Unlimited numbers of participants for low-cost scale
  • Proprietary, print-at-home take away tools for sustained impact "in the flow of work"
  • Branded online dashboard for easy and ongoing access to slides and materials
  • Session videos edited and put onto dashboard for participants unable to attend live sessions
  • Animated cohort learning community (via messaging app) to spark excitement, integration, and meaningful action


The Change Mindset & Change Management Course Content

  • The science of changing hearts and minds
  • The impact of change, fear of loss, and uncertainty in the brain
  • The two modes and how they impact willingness for change and transformation
  • The cognitive and emotional blockers to change
  • The Legacy Mindset vs. The Transformation Mindset
  • The organizational, project, and career dangers of a Legacy Mindset
  • Why even the smartest people get locked into a Legacy Mindset and block change
  • Ways to build, nurture, and encourage a Transformation Mindset in oneself and others


Interactive Takeaway Tools Provided On The Change Mindset & Change Management Course


Leadership Practices Learned On The Change Mindset & Change Management Course

  • Stability practices that unlock agility
  • Affect labeling and emotional granularity
  • Processing fear of loss and uncertainty
  • Spotting signals of change resistance and Legacy Mindsets
  • Thinking about one’s own thinking (metacognition)
  • Belief laddering and belief updating
  • Empathy mapping (getting into the hearts and minds of others)


The Change Mindset & Change Management Course Overview

  • 4 x 2-hour live virtual sessions
  • License for each participant to use and own the PDF tools
  • Sessions every 2-4 weeks (avoiding vacation periods)
  • 1 timezone, or 2 timezones if a global team
  • Online company-branded dashboard
  • Cohort activation (via messaging app)


The Change Mindsets & Change Management Course Session Design

  • Check-in and group presence and settling practice
  • Reflection and progress reports
  • Peer-to-peer coaching session
  • Breakouts for group reflection and integration
  • Q&A/clinic
  • Mission setting & check out

“I left like I’d just been called to serve in the army. Motivated, inspired, provoked, and challenged.”


People Manager, International Bank

High Impact Yet Low Cost: What Makes Our Training Courses Different

Each course is centered around one or more of our scaleable 1-page transformation tools and/or self-managed or peer-powered toolkits, which unlock remarkable interactivity and accountability.

The tools are reusable, and the course costs include a lifetime license for each participant.

All our courses are hosted and guided live by an experienced facilitator to ensure engagement, accountability, and much-appreciated interconnectivity between participants.

Low Time Burden.

Low Cost.

Easy To Implement.

Quick To Start.

100% Virtual.

100% Live.

100% Interactive.

100% Empowering.

Designed For

Hybrid Working.

Dispersed Teams.

Budget / Travel Constraints.

Drive Outsized





Accessible Science.

Essential Ideas.

Sticky Concepts.

Practical Tips.

Take Away Tools.

Change Mindsets, Habits & Behaviors "In The Flow Of Work"

“Changed mindsets and behaviors across the business in critical areas of creativity, empowerment, and collaboration.”


Global HR Director, Unilever

Our Experience In Training, Learning & Development

100,000+ people developed
220+ leadership development programs
150+ learning & development courses
100+ takeaway tools
10+ leadership toolkits

“Amazing, amazing feedback from our leaders!”


Global HR Director, Intel

Connect With Us

If what you have read and seen is of interest, don't hesitate to contact us.

We can have a value-creating conversation about how we can support you.