Learn the fundamentals of leading successful, lasting, and necessary change—in times of disruption, uncertainty, complexity, and turbulence.
Leverage the latest neuroscience, our cutting-edge transformation methodology, takeaway transformation tools, and embodied leadership practices to blast through the barriers that block change and innovation in organizations and system.
“A pronounced and profound impact. Exceptional.”
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Key Benefits Of
“The Essentials of Transformational Leadership & Changemaking”
1. Use our 3D Futures Framework™ to rapidly yet coherently understand the seismic changes that threaten all organizations and leaders—and how to both avoid the threats and seize the opportunities this VUCA, disrupted reality brings
2. Rapidly boost your sense-making & decision-making skills with neuroleadership thinking—so you can help your teams and organization navigate disruption with wise decisions made in VUCA settings without perfect data
3. Learn why even our best attempts at leading change, innovation, and regeneration will likely fail because of how human biology works—and understand how to hack the neurological bases of the key blockers of all change
4. Discover the key differences between a Legacy Mindset and a Transformation Mindset—and why the smartest people get locked into a Legacy Mindset which increases the likelihood your organization will become irrelevant and obsolete
5. Understand how to creatively solve different the kinds of business, social, and customer problems thrown up by the fast-changing VUCA environment—and how to avoid resistant and major fails by distinguishing between technical problems and transformational challenges
6. Understand how the different pathways of business breakthrough vs. business breakdown occur—and learn key principles for how to lead people in, through, and out of significant, lasting, and necessary change (ie. business organizational, and systemic transformation)
7. Use and keep practical Takeaway Transformation Tools to help yourself and your team deliver urgent change, creative solutions, and innovation—when your project, career, and organization depend upon it
8. Accelerate your stability and agility as a transformational leader with Embodied Leadership Practices—so you can wrestle business breakthroughs from the jaws of complexity and chaos; and deal with resistance and pitfalls with unbreakable strength
“Inspired our leadership team to continue to work on ourselves as leaders and lead the change. The value of the transformation tools were spot on. Thank you!”
Senior Vice-President, SAP
Watch Our Video On Transformational Leadership
4 Short Yet Impactful Sessions
+ 4 Transformation Tools
+ 4 Embodied Leadership Practices
Benefit from our hard-won insights from 25 years on the frontlines of disruption; the learnings from leading over 100 strategic innovation projects with companies like Diageo, Unilever, and Microsoft; our work with 70,000 leaders; and our systemic innovation programs for orgs like WWF and Oxfam.
Ask questions about your thorniest change challenges—and have your specific issues explored and responded to.
The course contents are designed to help you creatively solve your business and leadership challenges that are arising in our times of rapid change and complexity—and guide you on how to lead change, innovation, and transformation effectively.
Each module contains big ideas, cutting-edge neuroscience, and a practical takeaway micro-tool to learn—and use with your team.
Module 1: Leading Lasting Change & Transformation In Disruption, Digital & VUCA
The VUCA World: The ruthless, relentless, and radical changes that are creating intense evolutionary pressures for all organizations—and why transformation (lasting, positive, significant, and necessary change) is the only adaptive response
The Imperative for Transformational Leadership: Why transformational leaders—agile, creative, responsive, adaptable—are 600x more valuable and impactful than average leaders
The 3D Futures Framework™: Make rapid sense of the three major drivers of change that threaten your organization's relevance and existence—and the huge opportunities on offer if you can lead and land transformation
Leading Organizational Transformation: The archetypal journey of business transformation illustrated by The Transformation Curve™—and how to preempt the many pitfalls of driving lasting change
The Spectre Of Underperformance & Obsolescence: Why organizations move relentlessly towards maladaptation, irrelevance, and breakdown without transformational leadership because of past successes, best practices, and smart managers
Technical Problems & Transformational Challenges: The crucial differences between two categories of problems that leaders face in the VUCA reality—and how to solve each kind effectively to initiate genuine business/project/systemic transformation
Module 2: The Brain, Breakthrough Creativity & Emotional Intelligence
The Legacy Mindset: The dynamics and dangers of outdated thinking, cognitive biases, and groupthink that together block necessary change and adaptation and irrevocably lead to business fails
The Transformation Mindset: The appropriate attitudes and mental abilities for leading and landing successful change in VUCA environments
Neuroleadership: The brain networks and neurological dynamics that underpin both transformational leadership and reactive management
The 2 Modes of Consciousness: Understanding the crucial distinctions between Control & Protect Mode and Create & Connect Mode—and how to choose the right mode for the moment
Emotions In Leadership: The evolutionary role of 'positive' and 'negative' emotions in leadership success and failure—and why emotions are essential for leaders to master and leverage
Emotional IQ & Emotional Regulation: Developing the emotional capacity and flexibility for transformational leadership—and understanding developmental challenges that block emotional intelligence and regulation
The Blockers Of Transformation: The protective and controlling habits of emotion, thought, and behavior that block necessary transformation in ourselves, our teams, and our organizations
Module 3: Transforming Ourselves & Transforming Our Teams
Leading Transformation In Ourselves: Using The Transformation Curve™ to understand how to metabolize external change into new leadership mindsets, habits, and styles
Ownership & Responsibility: The dangers of "blame, shame, and complain" cycles and how to shift the "drama triangle" to lead and coach personal and team transformation
Felt Senses, Reconnection & Integrating Change: Harnessing interoceptive IQ and Embodied Leadership Practices to shift emotional and cognitive patterns to accelerate wholeness and personal transformation
Developing Transformational Teams: Why mutual trust, psychological safety, and shared responsibility are necessary for groups of diverse individuals to come together to enter co-creative flow that ensures innovation and transformation can be delivered in fast-changing realities
Uncertainty, Stability & Agility: Exploring the impact of uncertainty and distress in the brain and the need for stability to unlock agile teams that can function well in VUCA environments
Cultivating Psychological Safety: Holding safe—but not overly soft—spaces that foster creativity, resonance, and commitment in teams
Module 4: Forging The Future Through Organizational Transformation
Transformational Leadership To Forge The Future: Understanding the emergent Networked Operating System of humankind and how to thrive in it
Developing As Transformational Leaders: Understanding how to proactively upgrade our consciousness as leaders to flourish in the emerging world
Wise Sensemaking & Meaning Making In VUCA Environments: Why leaders need to upgrade their skills at making sense of fast-changing situations without perfect data—using different forms of knowledge and meaning to reach coherence with the external reality
Foresight & Insight For Forging The Future: Spotting weak signals of the future in the present through user/customer insight and systemic foresight—and leveraging them to unlock the business models of the future
Effective Decision-Making In Overwhelm & Noise: Attention, depletion, and making appropriate choices in VUCA environments
Balancing Efficient Management with Effective Leadership: Finding a creative tension between control/predictability/productivity and creativity/agility/purpose
Towards Regenerative Businesses: Leveraging technology, planet-ready thinking, and transformational innovation to create fully sustainable businesses
Takeaway Transformation Tool
The Transformational Challenge Engine

Takeaway Transformation Tool
The Transformational Mindset Engine

Takeaway Transformation Tool
The Transformational Change Engine

Takeaway Transformation Tool
The Transformational Sense-Making Engine

Embodied Leadership Practice
Embracing Uncertainty, Complexity & Chaos
Embodied Leadership Practice
Switching Between Control Mode & Create Mode
Embodied Leadership Practice
Building Unshakeable Stability In Your Core
Embodied Leadership Practice
Discerning Intuition From Instinct
“Brilliant theory and insights on transformational leadership.”
Senior Vice-President, Pfizer

“Both a compass and a gale force 9 wind.”
Chief Marketing Officer, Tesco
The Science & Wisdom Behind
Our Development Programs On Transformational Leadership
Discover the insights, tools, and thinking needed to become A Transformational Leader.
This course takes the most important elements from our deep developmental approach.

“I left like I’d just been called to serve in the army. Motivated, inspired, provoked, and challenged.”
Global Team Leader, Bank
About Nick Jankel M.A. (Cantab.), FRSA

With over 24 years of hard-won insights working with C-Suite leaders and fast-growth entrepreneurs on the frontlines of disruption—and 16 years developing embodied wisdom to match cognitive smarts in transformational leadership development—Nick Jankel has a Triple First from Cambridge University in medicine, is a sought-after professional keynote speaker and is a co-creator of Bio-Transformation Theory & Practice®, a pioneering methodology for leading transformation in ourselves and our organizations as fast as humanly possible.
Nick has worked with senior leaders from organizations like HSBC, Boots Walgreens, Unilever, Diageo, Google, Nike, Merck, Wal-Mart, NHS; led systemic change programs with WWF and Oxfam; worked with entrepreneurs and social innovators on 4 continents; and lectured at world-class universities including Yale, Oxford, SciencesPo, UCL, and London Business School.
Nick was chosen to host his own global BBC TV series as a transformational coach; is often interviewed on transformational tech on international news; and has advised No.10 Downing Street on transformational innovation. He started his first business age 24 to disrupt the marketing industry; and has founded 3 successful long-term businesses with no investment or backers of any kind.
“Nick uniquely combines deep systemic thinking, an expert knowledge of human behavior, and a strong creative flair. And he is lots of fun to work with!”
Director of Change, WWF