Mission Line and Mission planning
After the initial shock and stress of the pandemic, it is time for us leaders to start engaging fully with the post-pandemic world—for there are tougher and hitherto unprecedented challenges on the near horizon. They cannot be ignored. The planet, and her people, cannot wait.
A Mission Line is a timeline stretching from now to a specific point in the future – a date and time when our vision will be realised. Along the Mission Line will be a set of individual missions that are all helping to fulfill the vision that we have chosen to dedicate our time and energy to. The missions are placed in chronological order, stretching out to the exact moment when the final mission will be accomplished and the overall vision will be a real thing, in real life.
The most important thing about a Mission Line is not so much the line itself – although this is a very useful reference point – but the act of creating the line, monitoring where we are up to, and changing bits of it as the path becomes clearer, and as we move further towards our goals. It’s this activity of mission planning that is so vital – rather than the exact plans themselves. This is because it is when we engage in the act of planning we have our inner and conscious mind actively focused on what we want, how we are going to make it happen, and the kind of role we have to play to do this. Planning is when we are at the centre – the very heart – of our own project, creating solutions to any challenges and spotting opportunities as they come up. Planning is what is so vital, even as plans change to suit the current reality of what’s going on around us.
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