By Nick Jankel

Professional Global Keynote Speaker, Transformation & Innovation Catalyst, Leadership Theorist & Practitioner, 6 x Dyslexic Author, 3 x TV Coach, Co-Creator of Bio-Transformation®

This technique is one of the most powerful ways of creating change in our working lives. It consists of identifying the programs we want to run on the computer we call our brains, the programs we need to reach our goals and achieve our potential, and using sophisticated psychological processes to literally change how our brain works in the areas we want to improve. We could easily write an entire book about the subject, but here it is most useful if we give a very brief overview of how to do it. The core two parts of the process are; a) to create vision statements (which are essentially new programs that are in the form of sentences or statements which we will use to make our visions come true); and b) to use a deep form of relaxation / meditation to allow us to talk directly with our own inner mind to help it be reprogrammed. 

Step 1: With your specific goal, vision, mission or desire in mind identify the emotional and mental resources you will need to make it real. 

Example – to get that promotion at work I will need to be committed, more organised and stop being so quiet in meetings. 

Step 2: Make sure all the emotional and mental resources are in the positive. This means they are not the absence of something but the presence of something. 

In our example – I want to be more committed and more organised. These are already in the positive. But ‘to be less quiet in meetings’ is in the negative. It must be rewritten as ‘to be more vocal’ or ‘to be more active’ in meetings. 

Step 3: Make sure the new program is not just in the positive but also in the present. Otherwise if it is in the future we are telling our inner minds that we don’t have that resource at the moment but we want it someday. Not only is this inaccurate (we all have some sense of organisation; we are all active to some degree in meetings) but it also disempowers us by reinforcing that we are not capable right here, right now. 

In our example – taking ‘I want to be more vocal’ – we rewrite it as ‘I am more and more vocal’, building on whatever level of this skill we already have, even if it is very low. 

Step 4: Turn the emotional or mental resource into a vision statement, which, to keep it simple, looks like this: 

Each and every day I am more and more …
As each moment passes I am even more …
By day and by night I am more and more … 

Step 5: Using the track ‘Flow’ ( enjoy a relaxed, deep mind programming state and repeat the vision statements five to ten times whilst visualising yourself having reached the goal or having achieved the vision. 

Step 6: Continue to repeat the statements with as much energy as possible during the day and particularly whenever you encounter a challenge or an old program that doesn’t work. 

Step 7: Watch your life change. If you find the old programs are not shifting and are stubbornly staying active then it is likely that there are some old, perhaps forgotten, emotional challenges that are keeping the program in place. If this is happening, we would recommend doing some inner work. 

Tip: The music online that accompanies this toolkit has been designed to take you through the process as easily as possible. Using powerful audio technology, it harnesses our imagination to redesign and recreate our mental habits and programs. 

You can find this at This sound experience is a fundamental part of the system, without which you are only accessing half the value we can offer you. 


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