Inner Mind
After the initial shock and stress of the pandemic, it is time for us leaders to start engaging fully with the post-pandemic world—for there are tougher and hitherto unprecedented challenges on the near horizon. They cannot be ignored. The planet, and her people, cannot wait.
For over 100 years scientists and psychologists have realised that our mind is divided into different areas that do different things and run different sets of actions. Probably the two most important ‘parts’ are; the conscious mind – which deals with whatever is happening right now, and has been shown to only have the capacity to manage about seven or so thoughts at any one time; and the ‘unconscious’ mind (or as we call it, the inner mind), that operates literally billions of processes every second – from keeping our back and head vertical when sitting to monitoring how many white blood cells we need to fight off any bacteria and viruses in our body.
The inner mind stores thousands of mental habits and is where all our programs are kept and managed – our programs for how we do anything from getting into work on time to budgeting. It is the inner mind that is so powerful and so under-used by the vast majority of people – if at all!
Unless we learn specific techniques – some of the creative leadership tools – that help us use our inner mind more effectively, it is very hard to change any area of our life very much – as our mental habits are very resistant to simply making a conscious decision to change. Just ask anyone who has tried to stop smoking, procrastinating, arguing, losing their temper etc.
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