By Nick Jankel

Professional Global Keynote Speaker, Transformation & Innovation Catalyst, Leadership Theorist & Practitioner, 6 x Dyslexic Author, 3 x TV Coach, Co-Creator of Bio-Transformation®

This is defined as taking away our own (or someone else’s) power by blaming other people and other things for how we feel. When we disempower ourselves we limit our ability to choose how we experience any situation; we lessen our capacity to make decisions that will be beneficial to us in the long run, to create our own life story and to reach our potential. 

The commonest form of disempowerment is to believe in the myth that we are merely pawns in the system and that the system (whatever we believe that to be) is to blame for all our ills. As we realise how much a part we play in creating what we have, own and experience, we free ourselves to change it. The more we own our lives, the more responsible we become, the more powerful – or empowered – we become.


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