Transformational Leadership
The charts below gives a graphical representation of your responses to help you visualize the areas that you might want to develop further – lower scores toward the center, and higher toward the outside.
You will have received an email with a link to your complete responses, and you can print this page to take a copy of the charts. Futher down the page, you can download a tool to help you craft your own Personal Development Plan based upon your responses.
Leading Self
Leading Others
Leading Organizations
Leading Systems
Creating Your Personal Development Plan

You will have received a copy of your responses to the Audit & Diagnostic by email. Take a copy and, while referring to your responses, create your own action-oriented Personal Development Plan using the downloadable and interactive PDF tool below.
The Four Spirals Of Transformational Leadership
Through this introductory toolkit, you have evaluated yourself on just 40 of 200 capabilities that are needed for transformational leadership—all 40 are from the first spiral in our Self-To-System™ curriculum: Leading Self.
Find out more about each spiral below, or read more about the full curriculum here.

Spiral 1: Leading Self
We lead ourselves powerfully—by becoming ever more adaptable, open, energized, embodied, self-aware, resilient, responsible, confident, curious, conscious, and mature—so we can show up fully in every working moment, meeting, and conversation to drive forward change, innovation, and transformation without being destabilized by change, crisis, competing demands, and constant stress.

Spiral 2: Leading Others
We lead others powerfully—by being ever more present, reciprocal, empowering, and empathic, listening actively and communicating clearly, and coaching, marshaling, motivating, delegating, and repairing effectively—so our people beat friction, fragmentation, confusion, conflict, overwhelm, and apathy to deliver positive and lasting change, innovation, and transformation.

Spiral 3: Leading Organizations
We lead our organization powerfully—by anticipating, envisioning, and forging the future, challenging, strategizing, and prioritizing effectively, and cultivating adaptation, belonging, meaning, and well-being in our culture—so our organization triumphs against disruption, complexity, turbulence, groupthink, underperformance, and obsolescence and delivers successful innovation, outsized value creation, and business transformation.

Spiral 4: Leading Systems
We lead our system powerfully—by becoming ever more alive, purposeful, truthful, transparent, and persuasive, cultivating wisdom, humility, and morality, and influencing, inspiring, and unlocking narrative, coherence, collaboration, and regeneration—so the systems we lead change and transform so that all people, and all life on this planet, can flourish as our organization does.