Switch On Project Briefing Tool

We invest a lot of time, energy, thought, and—above all—care into designing projects for and with our clients. We leverage 23+ years of experience running high-profile innovation, strategy, business transformation, and leadership programs for outstanding organizations.

This briefing form will help us to design a project that moves you towards the outcomes you want.

It is also designed to help you and your team clarify, focus, and gain insight into the challenges (and the problems beneath the problems); visualize what the most impactful solutions might be; and gain alignment, and/or reveal areas to align on, for clear next steps.

You will receive a PDF copy of it by email for reference, even if we don’t end up going to the next steps together.

The more real-time insight you give us, the more we can deliver an outstanding proposal, process, and experience that gets you the results you want.

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