Bold Moves
After the initial shock and stress of the pandemic, it is time for us leaders to start engaging fully with the post-pandemic world—for there are tougher and hitherto unprecedented challenges on the near horizon. They cannot be ignored. The planet, and her people, cannot wait.
Many times in our lives we miss out on enjoying something great because we feel scared and don’t act. Whether it is bringing a new product to market, or suggesting new ideas, our fear can often get in the way of our professional progress. However people who have the most luck, joy and the like aren’t any less scared than the rest of us. They just feel the fear and then do the thing anyway. And as they act, as they do Bold Moves, the fear becomes less and less important, less and less limiting.
When we do such a Bold Move, two things happen. Firstly we are starting to build new mental habits in our mind – the mental muscles of both courage and proactivity – going out to get the stuff we want for ourselves and for others. But there is an impact that is even more powerful than this – we start to actually be the person we always have known we could be. And then, whether we get the things and achieve the goals we want or not starts to become far less important than who we are in our everyday life. In this way being courageous and go-getting becomes so rewarding and energising in itself, that we realise we are getting our emotional needs met by being someone who is great rather than by having great stuff. We can’t emphasise the importance of being, right here and right now, the person we want to be and worrying less about having stuff to compensate by not feeling fully ourselves.
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